Compila senza nessun impegno il modulo sottostante.
Se l’appartamento risponde agli standard che The Best Rent deve garantire ai suoi ospiti, verrai ricontattato dal nostro Staff.
Full name*
Email *
Cell phone *
N.B. L’immobile deve essere ad uso residenziale e appartenente alla categoria catastale “A”.
The Municipality of Milan *
Street / Square + street number
Zip Code
Property Plan *
Year of Renovation *
Appliances purchase Year *
Property purchase Year*
Property Type* ApartmentVillaStanza privata
certified electrical plant * YESNO
Heating * CentralAutonomousAbsent
Air Condition * YESNO
Bathrooms * 123455+
Bedrooms * 123455+
Bedding Type * Childrens BedCribDouble BedKing Size BedMurphy / Wall BedQueen SizeSofa BedSingle Bed
Appliances. Indicates all appliances present: oven, washing machine, dishwasher, etc.*
Floors. It indicates the materials they are made of the floors: parquet, tiles, laminate etc. *
Noise. Indicates whether the bedroom overlooking an internal courtyard or the street. *
Fixtures * Single GlazingDouble GlassesDouble Glazed windows
Other Characteristic * BalconyTerraceParknig SpaceBike ShelterReception
Year of construction *
Renovated* YESNO
Classe * PopularCivilVintageLuxury
Codice della Privacy * Dichiaro di aver letto ed accettato i "Termini e Condizioni" Privacy