Pacino Caffè: fancy aperitivo in Città Studi

“Wait, I am gonna make myself a double coffee and then we can chat as much as you wish!” Ivan, one of the owners, is rummaging with the coffee machine. He fills a cup up and drinks his coffee all at once, as if it was a shot of tequila or an antibiotic. “Here we are! Now I am ready to face the day, but what am I saying, I am ready to face my whole life!”.

Ivan is super friendly and walks briskly behind the counter, answering our questions, giving customers their coffees and shouting orders to the waiters. The Pacino Caffè opens its gates at 6.30 am and closes them with the last customer. “This famous yet still unknown last customer never seems to leave before 3 am!” jokes Ivan. We recommend this place for its aperitivo. The counter is filled with appetizers, pizzas, pastas and other tasty meals. Take a glass of wine or a mojito and fill your dish up with this dainties. If you are still hungry, try one of their piadizza, something in between a pizza and a flatbread.

After having eaten, if it is warm enough, relax on one of the couches in the gazebo; otherwise, stay inside and browse one of the many books and magazines displayed specifically for the customers’ use. We assure you that you’ll spend a nice and relaxing evening here at the Pacino Caffè!

Additional information:

Piazzale Francesco Bacone, 9 Milano
Everyday: 07.00-02.00
€ 8-15
02 2046550

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