Botanical Garden: silence and nature in the hearth of Brera

We are sure that you know Brera for its Pinacoteca and the Museum of Risorgimento. Obviously, we are not telling you to avoid them: they both shield some treasures that will make your eyes glow, like Mantegna’s Cristo morto, Pier della Francesca’s Sacra Conversazione, Bellini’s Pietà, Bramante’s Cristo alla Colonna, Hayez’s Romeo e Giulietta and Raffaello’s Lo Sposalizio della Vergine.

We are sure, though, that these treasures are well described in the countless guides you can find in any library. We, on the other side, want to tell you about an hidden place reachable from the number 4 of Via Fiori Oscuri. Pass the ancient door with the painting coming off the walls, ask the guardian if you are heading towards the right direction (we have always found her busy doing crosswords but she’ll easily abandon the four vertical to answer your questions) and walk towards the bottom of the hallway. Here, you’ll be plunged in the green and the peacefulness of Brera’s garden. Stroll among the plants and the flowers, read the labels and be careful not to step on the snails that quietly walk on your feet. Sit on a bench and listen to the silence. Trust me, it will be difficult to get up and go back to the hustle and bustle of your lives!

Additional information:

Via Brera, 28, Milano
02 50314680

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