Falegnameria Isola: wood products of Italian artists

You can smell the perfume of wood even before entering the shop and you only need to cross the threshold to be catapulted into a place that even Geppetto would envy. Mirella and Flaminia are the owners of the Falegnameria. “We met because I needed a piece of furniture” tells us Mirella “and Flaminia made it. We met several times to study the details together… we are both carpenters and both perfectionists! In a short period of time we became friends and we decided to open this place together.”

The joinery exhibits their works as well as those of other artists. Flaminia and Mirella are very friendly: they show us their products with pride and tell us that they’d like to create a network of artisans who lean on their store. We strongly recommend you to give it a go: they don’t only create pieces of furniture (which we understand are difficult to put in a suitcase) but also smaller items!

Additional information:

Via Thaon di Revel, 9 Milano
380 7469601

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