The Small, restaurant and art gallery in the center of Milan

“No, it is definitely not easy to work with your partner!” This is what Alessandro and Giancarlo, the Small’s owners, tell us, but, soon after, they exchange a look that seems to mean the exact opposite. Seven years ago, the two boys decided to combine their passions: Alessandro comes from a family of chefs while Giancarlo has worked in the world of design and fashion. The Small, as a matter of fact, is more than a simple bistrot: it is a real mini and eccentric art gallery, where every single piece of furniture, chosen strictly by Giancarlo, is for sale.
This is the reason why the venue constantly changes: you step in on Monday and you find a wooden table next to the door, you come back on Thursday and the wooden table has been replaced by a statue… it is as if you visit a new place each time!

“The Small collects anything that is beautiful, curious and, why not, also quirky!” says Giancarlo, and we cannot but agree with him… everything in here, from the furniture to the dishes and even the customers is surrounded by an aura of breathtaking, unusual beauty. It’s Alessandro’s aunt who cooks the dishes, together with one of Gualtiero Marchesi’s chefs. Everything is homemade and extremely fresh. We recommend in particular the burrata of stracciatella Fassona… unmissable!

Additional information:

Via N. Paganini, 3, Milano
Tue-Sun: 11.00-15.00 18.00-01.00
€ 15-35
02 20240943

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