An utterly feminine bistro behind Garibaldi railway station

Since she was a kid, Fabiana has always dreamed of opening a bistrot on her own. An ordinary incipit (Fabiana, please, excuse us) for a place that has nothing of ordinary. The French-inspired bistrot is very welcoming and has an informal atmosphere. It is open to both men and women, but as soon as you step into the place, it is immediately clear the the soul of Les Pommes is 100% feminine: if the name (which recalls the first VIP woman in the history) and the interior design have not persuaded you yet, have a look at the bathroom, where a wall is covered with amazing pictures that celebrate the beauty of every woman.

There isn’t a printed menu and you can decide whether to read the dishes directly from the large blackboard next to the counter or ask Roberto, the only man in the midst of so many women. When we ask him how does a man feel in a place owned and ruled by girls, he looks at us with a sarcastic grim, tries to articulate a smart answer but is preceded by two regulars and Fabiana herself who, in unison, shout “pampered!”.

Men, do not be intimidated! We have seen lots of you joking with Fabiana and tasting one of her amazing cakes. In the worst scenario, you will be accused of one of the many clichés of which you are usually a victim (for the time being in pole position there is “you cannot do two things at once, eh?!” followed by “you are all a bunch of cowards, it’s unbelievable!”) and you’ll go home moaning about how women behave like harpies!

Additional information:

Via Pastrengo, 7, Milano, MI, Italia
Lun-sab: 07.30-22.00 Dom: 09.00-22.00
€ 7-20
02 87074765

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